Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Year 2013...Changes Next Exit

I am back!

It has been some time since I blogged.  To be honest life has been difficult and way too stressful!  So, I am going to start over!  Hello, my name is Starlet Franz, my friends call me Star!

I am still here with the same purpose and that is to heal myself.  I felt bad when I started this venture and to be honest I let someones comments put me down and give up!  No more!

I have found I have an awesome support structure of people who love me and care for me, but I have also found out I have enemies!  With that said, it is time for me to come out of the shadows and share what I know about natural cures, holistic living, and information that I find from other wonderful people living and sharing my passion for living holistically.

I suffer form Hypothyroidism with a side of Hashimoto's autoimmune disease.  As well as skin issues, dry skin, and a myriad of other things from my thyroid. This blog is for me and all those other people suffering from this terrible disease.  I am overweight, tired, and depressed most days.  However, I have hope that I can find out cures and remedies that will help me.

Here is my promise to you!  I will share something once a week for the next year in hopes that it helps someone!

So here is to starting fresh! Welcome to Holistic Starlight!  A place to share holistic remedies that make our life better.

Yours truly,