Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pickles, Pedicures and Toe Fungus!

Do you remember that I said in an earlier story that I am in love with pickles?  I love love love dill pickles. I can eat a whole jar of dill pickles myself if you let me.  However, let me warn you, the next day you do not want to be around me with the garlic seeping from my pores.  I think it is really is about the salty vinegar goodness that appeals to me the most. The garlic is just the bonus from the spicy goodness.  However, I digress my culinary tastes are not the point here.  This blog is strictly about vinegar.
I was speaking with a friend the other day when it hit me that I had sandals on with naked toes.  I commented in my embarrassment about how I needed a pedicure.  She looked down and said, “Hey do you have fungus on your nail bed?”  I laughed sheepishly and said “I don’t know, it is always yellow, I thought it was there because I do not let my toes breathe between pedicures”, she then told me that her doctor told her to take a cotton ball and use plain white vinegar or apple cider vinegar once a day on toenails that have fungus.  She said this was also good for diabetics especially because the toenails tend to get thick and ugly. 

When I did some further investigation, I found this works on toenails and fingernails.  In China, it was the prescribed medication to prevent the spread of viruses, while in Greece, ancient medical texts made reference of the different uses and qualities of vinegar. Today, apple cider vinegar is the most used for the treatment of fungal infections, being more useful as astringent than ice.  Whether white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, this is the cheapest treatment intended to eradicate fungal infections from toenails or fingernails. The acidity of vinegar relieves the itching and repairs the PH balance, necessary to combat fungi, the microorganism responsible for toenail fungus.

So try this regime, daily foot baths in a solution of 50% water and 50% vinegar. It is suggested to alternate and mix hot baths and cold baths, although in either case, it is necessary to keep your feet soaking for at least 30 minutes.  On the other hand, for better results apply directly on the base of the nail twice a day, and is even better than soaking your feet. However, you must make sure that vinegar will remain in place long enough to benefit from the solution.

So if you can stand the vinegar smell try it, all vinegars are non-toxic so drinking vinegar will not harm you of course but will kill that pesky fungi on your feet.  However, I say stick to the pickle juice to drink and 
pour the vinegar foot bath down the drain!
To better looking toenails for everyone!  Love and Light to you!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My heart is on fire for you!

Happy August to all of my friends out there in blog land.  It is the dog days of summer but I prefer to call it my heart on fire month.  For about two weeks I have been having heartburn throughout the day.  I said something to my sister and this seems to be her problem lately as well.   We both think it has something to do with the sweet tea we both have been drinking even though we live in different states.  Note to self, need to read more about tea!  So I have sworn off the notable culprits of heartburn like chocolate, coffee, and spicy food without relief! I guess I need to add tea to the list because of the caffeine and the sugar.  Who knew!   So here goes with the holistic remedies or granny medicine as my friend calls it.

The first attempt is with the Apple cider vinegar heartburn home remedy. If you're hardcore you can simply take a teaspoon of straight cider vinegar.

For something a little more palatable and with a good nose like champagne try this.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with a little sugar
  • Add about 6 ounces water
  • Add a little baking soda and drink while fizzy
Drink it down!  Apple cider vinegar, an acid, causes the esophageal sphincter to contract and keeps acid in the stomach. Yes i said sphincter... get your mind off Beavis and Butthead!  Not sure if this is going to work.  It just tasted kind of yucky.  I say kind of yucky because I have a fascination with pickles and vinegar.  But we will save that for another day. 
Here are some other remedies, some are common sense. But it’s time to try something else,  I will let you know what works!
·      Avoiding refined carbohydrates (sugar, white rice, white bread), even honey & other “natural” sugars, except Stevia. Reduce acid production so that even if the reflux occurs there is less to irritate the esophagus.
·      Eat small frequent meals so pressure in the stomach does not push contents back up.
·      Do not eat late at night. Allow several hours of digestion time before laying down. Acid stays in the esophagus longer when one lies flat. Stay propped up at least 30-45 degrees after eating or drinking & while sleeping. By placing 2 in. blocks under the two legs of your bed at the headboard, can helped tremendously!
·      Avoid caffeine for a while.
·      Avoid excitement or exercise immediately after a meal. 
·      If you have a juicer, juice a raw potato, peel and all, then add an equal part of water to the juice and drink it immediately after preparation, 3 times a day.
·      Fresh papaya and its seeds (or Papaya tablets) can be eaten to help with digestion.
·      The enzymes in pineapple are also good for digestion but, this is an acidic fruit and for some people is not the right choice. It depends on the individual.
·      Aloe Vera juice is incredible for healing of the intestinal tract
·      Vitamin B complex, 50 mgs, 3 times daily with meals is needed for proper digestion.
·      Massage. At the first sign of heartburn, massage the acupressure point between your solar plexus and navel. Massage this point first, gently in a clockwise motion and then slowly work deeper. This can actually relieve heartburn pressure and pain for months!

Well here is hoping you and I have a restful night without heartburn!